Information for Subud CA Congress Virtual Attendees
from the CA Regional Helpers
We requested guidance from the International Helpers for our “hybrid” (in-person and zoom) Congress regarding the testing of the Regional chair and vice chair. A statement was provided, signed by all 18 International Helpers. Contained within was this guidance:
“Bapak asked video of testing be omitted from his talks. There is a reason behind that. Please respect this and do not make testing a video event.
When we are all in person, we sit quietly in a latihan state to observe testing of new officers for Subud. This is not really the case in some cases with the use of Zoom. Other people may be walking in and out of the room with the computer or phone, people may be eating, etc. Keep the testing to the helpers and candidates at the congress location and with the normal protocol for those present to witness in person.
Please do not film the testing. If you need to do testing of a candidate for a position who cannot attend the congress that candidate should have at least 2 helpers physically present with him or her to witness the candidate’s testing and report back to the congress that is meeting live elsewhere.
We hope those not attending the congress will trust the helpers conducting the testing and supporting the selection for new positions. Presentations, discussions of issues, cultural events can certainly be done very well with Zoom… just not testing, filmed and broadcast.
It may be that someone who will not be attending the California Congress in person wishes to test for chair or vice chair. We strongly recommend if you have any inkling to put your name forward that you test with your local helpers OR we regional helpers are available to test with you.
The question to test is: “Is it correct for (your name) to put my name forward to test for Chair (or Vice Chair) of Subud California?” This test question is not to determine if you are correct for the position, it is to determine if you should put your name forward for testing.
If the testing indicates it is correct to put your name forward, please notify Luqman Katz, Chair of the 2024 Congress.
Please note that to conduct this testing with you not present at the congress, you will need to make arrangements to have two helpers physically present with you. The regional helpers will also be testing with the virtual candidates to add their receiving.
In accordance with our bylaws, Subud CA members present at the congress will vote on the chair and vice chair, following the testing procedure approved by the national helpers as used at our previous regional congresses.